Love this one, glad you linked to it in your Alice Diaries or else I probably wouldn’t have seen it. It’s amazing how certain things that we acquire for one reason or another can gradually become a fixture in our lives. Something like your chimes can be such a tool to ground yourself, the vibrations and overtones I’m sure bring so many memories for you, and then allow you to become completely present. Beautiful.

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Thank you Bob. You are exactly right... There will never be a time in my life, whatever's left of it, that I am not in earshot of these or a new set down the road should these ever Fall Apart and need to be replaced. I was a little queasy about using an Alice diary to share a separate link but did so precisely because of what you have said here-knowing the background helps readers understand the importance or significance of otherwise seemingly unrelated items, those wind chimes are a central figure in my routine and daily life with or without a dog keeping me company while I listen to them

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Absolutely, and I think you’re talking about those chimes may help other people to look for those small things in their life that do the same thing. I know that’s what I’m doing, often those grounding items can go unnoticed in the conscious mind for a long time. It’s important that we cherish those things.

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It seems as we age, layers of people, relationships and other things are stripped away. Left with our ruminations, the road travelled in this lifetime is much longer than the road ahead. What is real, what is imagined, and does it matter? It’s easier to look back that ahead. For whom the bell tolls…as the wind chime grounds us in the present yet connects with the past, we appreciate the moment of Now. Thanks David and Bob!

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Beautifully said!

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Like the beloved wind chimes, your words resonate and touch those who have paused to listen.

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Thank you so much for the comment and the kind words :)

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I really need to get me some of those. I've always loved the sound. My mother had a few little ones when I was little. I can't believe I've never thought of it before.

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You really should

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I bought a wind chime a couple weeks ago and love it so much I bought another one that's supposed to arrive today. Nice essay.

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I have one with the long tubes and they sound amazing you have good taste!

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I just bought the 30-inch chimes. I thought my neighbors might get irritated with me if I went whole hog like you did. But yours must sound amazing.

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